Panel 1:
Narrative Text: One week later...
Commander Vedrix: Gentelmen, a toast! To a diplomatic resolution.
DaiMon Boson: And to fair trade!
Kronkenvurk: Indeed!
On behalf of the Spoogian Bottling Company, I thank you all.
Spoogies will remain independent. But will act as neutral territory for Romulan and Federation visitation and trade. And the Ferengi Union will facilitate the legal import of Romulan Ale to the Federation. For the first time!
Vedrix: It is an historic day.
And I must say... feasting with humans and Spoogians and even a Ferengi? I did not expect such a thing in my life.
But I find I am very happy with this resolution. And so is our government.
Commodore Jeffrey Bannister: We are, too!
Panel 2:
Jeff: Actually, oddly... Senator Benson seemed a little out of sorts when I told him about the deal. But he agreed it was best for all!
And we couldn't have accomplished any of this without Acting President Stickleback!
Stickleback: Please. You are too kind. I am simply glad that our grand saviors from the past have come together in friendship again!
And I am especially glad that you were all able to rebuild our particle defense system so quickly!
Panel 3:
Former Prince Jay'sn: And I get to keep all the soy sauce ale that no one else liked, right?
Unless you changed your mind?
Lieutenant Commander Natashia Starrat: Um... Well, now that we've both abdicated, I'm back on duty.
Panel 4:
Jay'sn: But if you were off duty...?
Natashia: Jay'sn... you're a good man. I'm proud of how far you've come.
You'll find somebody who really likes soy sauce. If you get my drift.
Jay'sn: I think so.
Thank you.
Boson (aside): Oh, since we're on the subject of beverage imports, have you ever tried Sluggo Cola?
Vedrix (aside): I can't say that I have.
Panel 5:
Natashia: Live long and prosper, former Prince!
Jay'sn: Live long and prosper, my former queen!
Panel 6:
Jeff: How're you feeling about all this? Personally?
Stickleback: It is much to bear, Commodore Bannister. I did not aspire to become the leader of my planet!
I only hope I do well for the people.
Jeff: You know... on Earth, we mostly found that the people who least wanted to be in charge were often the best suited for it.
You'll do fine. And we're always not too far away. If you need help!
Stickleback: Thank you. You are indeed as I have heard... the Great Jeffrey!
Panel 7:
Natashia: Well... are we ready?
Jeff: I think so.
Hawkins? Two beam over. Get us both this time, please.
Tech Chief Hawkins (comms): Ha ha. Sir.